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Veronica Devereux

Veronica enjoys working with clients to bring them financial peace of mind so to know they can live the life they want, achieving this is unique to each client.

Her clients come from the public and private sectors as well business owners and members of the clergy, with ages spanning 21 through to 96. She also works alongside fellow professionals advising on Trust investments.

Veronica never underestimates the level of trust that her clients place in her. She takes time to get to know each client and develop a long term relationship understanding how they feel about money and how it can help them to achieve what is important to them.

With this understanding, expertise in pensions, investments and intergenerational planning and the use of cashflow modelling she helps clients to plan their future and deal with life events as they happen. A client’s plan informs their investment strategy and tax planning. Along the way she will demystify the world of investments through clear communication.

Giving clients the option to invest in line with their values is important too and Veronica has expertise in helping clients to invest sustainably if this is a priority. Alongside a BA Hons in European Business and experience in the corporate world she holds the Diploma in Regulated Financial Planning and continues to study.

At home...

Having lived on an organic small holding with a menagerie of animals she enjoys being outdoors; gardening, exploring, cycling or walking our dog. With a love of good food she enjoys the great produce and eateries Somerset has to offer.

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