Fraud Blocker Warren Kavanagh | Saltus

Warren Kavanagh

Warren is a retirement planning specialist, working closely with clients who would like greater clarity and support in setting and achieving their retirement goals. He believes in building close working relationships to ensure he is always mindful of a client’s personal values and feelings towards their money. This provides the context for how he approaches helping them to draw income tax efficiently, consolidate schemes, invest their pot, and carry out estate planning.

Warren originally entered the financial services sector in 2008, qualifying as a financial adviser and stockbroker. He joined Saltus in 2018, following our successful merger with Lorica Wealth Management. Warren holds a Diploma in Regulated Financial Planning and is working towards his Chartered Status.

Warren believes in building close working relationships to ensure he is always mindful of a client’s personal values and feelings towards their money.

At home...

In his spare time, Warren enjoys hiking and, since joining Saltus, he & his wife have summitted Snowdon (three times), Scafell Pike and Mount Etna, with Ben Nevis next on their list.

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